Bartion Estates Limited

Company Overview

About Us

Bartion Estates Limited originated on Cyprus as a small real estate investment community. It was founded by like-minded goal-driven individuals whose goal was a global service based on mutual investments. The idea was to create a diverse offer occupying niches that were overlooked by corporate investors and large investment companies. The company has proven its loyalty to the investment business and world markets on the path of self-development and growth.

Throughout our experience many aspects of business management have been changed to adapt to the fast-paced environment of modern markets, strategies, both local and international political vectors and, of course, trends. Teamwork and understanding of mutual ideas we share is what forms the core of the company and makes it a valid competitor on the global market.

However, even though established business relations make the diversity of investment opportunities available, it wouldn't have brought real fortune to the company and its investors if new representative offices were not opened to serve its purpose.

Due to constant support of Bartion Estates LLC owner Mr. Damon Drumheller our team was able to establish a closed-type representative office in the U.S. and carry out a recruitment campaign for Assistant Manager position. His invaluable knowledge of the U.S. market and local legal regulations has prompted our top management to offer him the position of the Curator and Head of the U.S. office, which he gladly accepted. Being in charge of the U.S. establishment as well as its development course in coordination with the top management gave Bartion Estates Limited a perfect opportunity to build and educate a team of specialists that will be working with U.S. based clients exclusively on behalf of the Cyprus HQ.

Bartion Estates LLC is a subsidiary or an affiliate daughter company that currently operates exclusively on the territory of the U.S. Its main field of operation and duties are to:

- provide constant legal support to the closed-type representative office staff;
- develop and maintain vast clients data-bases and report directly to the HQ;
- perform global and target market analysis for the HQ;
- extend and manage active clientèle list if requested.

It's necessary to mention that even though the company has numerous clients all over the world, we believe that maintaining top CS level for existing clients, considering available capabilities, is way more important than sacrificing quality of service for quantity. Ability to meet expectations is what makes our product and overall service great and competitive.

Global Offices

United States

Affiliate Office: Bartion Estates LLC
13010 Morris Road, Suite 600,
Alpharetta, GA, 30004


Central Office: Bartion Estates Limited
Griva Digeni, 58, Kaimakli
CY-1021, Lefkosia, Cyprus

U.S. Representative Office Senior MGR / Client Relations Affiliate Company Owner:
Damon Drumheller

Human Resources Department Head:
Shelly Flores

Investment Department Head:
Thomas Moore

Risk Management Department Chief:
Jacob Sherman

Public Relations Chief:
Mike Robbins