Our clients love their children and are concerned about their future lives, that is why they choose Bartion Estates Limited Household Plan accounts to help them save and prepare for what lies ahead. Our clients use the funds from these accounts to send their children to the right college or university when the time comes, or to ensure that they are well provided for in case the unimaginable happens. Our Household Plan accounts are available for children under 18 years of age, and require a minimum opening deposit of $5,000 or equivalent available currency (Euro and Pound Sterling) amount, and will earn handsome sums in interest. Our Household Plan accounts are structured so that the interest is added to the deposit amount annually and paid along with the deposit amount when the child turns 18. We created these accounts to provide our clients with profitable financial vehicles to improve their children's futures. Along with the peace of mind that accompanies the knowledge that they are saving for their children, our Household Plan account holders have the clear sense of security that their children will be supplied with funds in the case of a tragic event. This reassuring information makes our Household Plan accounts attractive financial vehicles for our clients with minor children.